Thursday, May 19, 2011

County Clare

I have to say, driving doesn’t make it on to my list of 10 most desirable things to do before I die. I really hate it. Cars are a necessary evil that get me from A to B. I’m used to cycling or walking and being able to stop wherever you want and take in the sights and sounds around you. It’s hard to do that in a car, particularly when you have the eyes of a photographer in your head and you want to stop every time you see something out of the corner of your eye. Coming to a sudden stop while doing 120 on the motorway because a Kestrel is hovering over some poor Field Mouse in the blur of a field you’ve just passed probably isn’t a good idea. I’ve never done that. No, I’m not that bad. But still I hate driving.

It does get you to some lovely places though so I guess it’s worth it. Two weeks ago I braved the elements and headed west. Off to County Clare I went, on the west coast of Ireland. The scenery in this part of the country is truly spectacular. From the barren moonscape like landscape of the Burren to the huge Cliffs of Moher that jut out into the Atlantic.

The Burren is really something. 75% of all plants found in Ireland can be found in the Burren as can all 4 species of Fritillary Butterfly that make Ireland their home. A particular species of water beetle (Ochthebius nilssoni) is known from only 5 sites worldwide and 4 of them are found within the Burren (the other is in Sweden).

It’s an amazing environment to walk around and marvel at, as are the Cliffs of Moher. I had been here before but that was when I was 4 so the cliffs looked a little bit bigger then. Still, at over 200 metres, they’re still a pretty impressive sight. They are an extremely important site for seabirds on the west coast with large colonies of Razorbills, Shags and Puffins.

The reason for going to Clare was as a reconnaissance trip to try and locate some good marks for future photo trips. It worked in spades. I found plenty and am looking forward to a return trip in mid summer. Weather permitting of course. It is the west coast after all and rain is the west coasts favourite subject. But I would recommend a trip to Clare for anybody coming to Ireland for a holiday. It’s a magnificent place and the Burren really does take the breath away.

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