I’ve been known to have a rant about the odd thing or two in my time but one thing that constantly annoys me is litter. It amazes me the lengths people will go to, to avoid disposing of their rubbish in a proper manner.
Up to a few years ago I spent a lot of time fishing Irelands beaches. I was convinced at the time that I was the only angler who took their waste fishing line and rubbish home with them. Rolled up balls of line and reams of crumpled newspaper littered beaches. It was despairing to look at.
Whenever I walk with our dog along Dollymount beach on North Bull Island, I get the same feeling. Rarely have I seen a beach as polluted as Dollymount. It really is in a shocking condition and Dublin City Council should be taken to task over it. I will soon be taken photos of this beach and sending them to the powers that be and looking for an explanation as to why it is never cleaned.
Anyway, last week I was down in Howth trying to take a decent photo of the Bailey Lghthouse (which I didn’t manage – light wrong, not enough cloud etc, etc) and I scrambled down the cliff walk to Jameson Beach. Now this ain’t easy to get to. It involves a bit of a camel hike along the cliff walk and then the way down to the beach is quite worn, and overgrown with foliage. It takes effort, and yet when I got down there I found the beach festooned in beer cans and in one area the remains of a barbeque was neatly piled in one corner.
Did the people responsible for this litter think that by stacking it neatly, it would simply disappear? Or that maybe the council do a cliff clean service. It beggars belief really, but then again, that’s the type of world we live in. One were a small selection of the population don’t mind ruining the natural environment we live in. I mean, surely the most difficult part of the day was bringing it all down there in the first place?
Anyway, litter bugs me.
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