Monday, July 12, 2010


Blogging is the way forward, or so I have been told, so here I am. I have unleashed myself on the world with a blog which should get filled with the weekly ramblings of a photographer with lots of time on his hands. Actually, in truth, I’ve started this as a way of de-stressing myself from the extraordinarily stressful job of renovating our house. Everything I own is covered in dust, cement, sawdust, plaster – you name it, it just goes on and on and my head is at breaking point. What better way of shedding the stresses of life than writing about photography and the subjects I photograph and sharing it with the world?

I’m primarily a wildlife and nature photographer with a very healthy interest in photographing horse racing as well. My work is mainly based in Dublin, Ireland as that is where I’m from and live. Dublin is a lovely city when you view it from the perspective I do. We may be in the middle of a recession and financial crisis but that doesn’t take away from the fact that we have some wonderful scenery and wildlife in our fair city. I mean, over 6 million people visit Ireland annually and most of them come through Dublin. Of course, those stats were before the recession, and they’re probably coming for the Guinness and not the Molly Malone statue, but still they come and their reward is a beautiful city with many natural highlights. Through this blog and my website I hope to show you those highlights.

If there's one thing I love, it's insects, and there will be plenty on show here through the summer. People can walk through a field, a grassy verge or even their back garden and be completely unaware of the invertebrate metropolis right under their feet. I shall be covering topics that cover all aspects of wildlife photography and not just the subjects of the photos.

I'll see you all soon.

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